first camera was an second hand Regula Rapid bought in Germany in July 1954. I
was in the RAF at the time and this lasted until a posting to Singapore enabled
me to get a Practica SLR. It was one of the early models without a rapid return
mirror. A further move to Hong Kong introduced me to 8 mm film and the still camera
changed to a Robot Royal which was a half frame and had a type of motor drive.
I used it to shoot sequences of images to use in soccer referee training in which
I was involved . On my return to the UK I eventually changed to a Hasselblad and
an early Pentax Spotmatic. Then came a major change when I went over to the Nikon
system starting with two second hand Nikkormatts and a range of lenses. I started
to lecture for Agfa in 1970 and produced the “Symphony of Sound and Colour” for
them from 1973 to 1978. This was a two projector slide tape programme. Having
joined the Royal Photographic Society in 1968 I obtained my Associateship in Pictorial
Colour in 1969 and the Fellowship in Slide-Tape in 1970. By this time I had left
the RAF and was working as a rep.
In 1972 I made the big decision to go freelance
and from 1972 to 1982 I lectured at the Nikon School and produced the “Nikon Experience”
a 8 projector show which I showed in halls and theatres throughout the UK. Although
I later moved onto video and computer graphics I still produce slide tape
programmes and exercise the cameras from time to time. My involvement in computers
has extended to Digital manipulation and details of any courses are
on the Courses page.
The images on the various pages and in the galleries are part of my large
slide library and high resolution versions are always available for commercial use at
reasonable rates.