I am at the ruins in Machu-Picchu in Peru. I managed to hitch a lift from Cuzco
on a funny old train. I have to watch out for low flying Condors that might fancy
me for lunch.Mind you a hefty swing of my right paw will see them off. I practice
on the master!
I am in an old hotel in France. The French cats are endlessly meowing all day
long cos they are on strike for better food.
I should be able to get a good tan here. It takes me ages to get the sand out
of my feet though. My body guard is looking after me well. You have to watch out
for the camels that come and spit on you and make horrible grunting noises.
here's a nice little pad! I am just having a sit down after a very warm hour or
so looking round the Taj Mahal in Agra. Not many amenities for pussies though.
Not one bowl of milk or Whiskas!