D70 infra red
The D70 appears to be sensitive to some infra red and the above images were shot using a Hoya R72 filter. Take a special white balance of the sun on green before exposure. The left hand one was processed in Photoshop using auto levels first and then channel mixer and hue and saturation. However the 87 gelatin filter gives me a very blue result after exposure but its black and white version is OK. See the images below all shot on a tripod for a change. I shall have to test the 87 further.
20mm Nikkor original scene
400asa 1/2000 f8
manual lens
20mm with Hoya R72 IR filter
400asa 1/2.5 sec f8 channel mixing
20mm with Hoya R72 IR filter
400asa 1/2.5 f8 further channel mixing
Dimage 7 version 28mm 1/30 f3.5
20mm with 87 gelatin filter 1/2 sec f8
400asa channel mixing
20mm 87 gelatin filter 1/2 f8
400asa black and white version of image on left
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