D300 55mm Nikkor 2.8 micro 100 iso 1.3 seconds f8
high Active D-lighting
Studio set-up test
100% portion of original
D300 55mm Nikkor 2.8 micro 200 iso 1/2 second f8
high Active D-lighting
D300 55mm Nikkor 2.8 micro 400 iso 1/5 second f8
high Active D-lighting
D300 55mm Nikkor 2.8 micro 800 iso 1/10 second f8
high Active D-lighting
D300 55mm Nikkor 2.8 micro 1600 iso 1/20 second f8
high Active D-lighting
D300 55mm Nikkor 2.8 micro 3200 iso 1/40 second f8
high Active D-lighting
D300 55mm Nikkor 2.8 micro 6400 iso 1/80 second f8
high Active D-lighting
All indoor images shot on a tripod using the self timer. Unless specifically mentioned all images are camera images opened in Capture NX - saved as Tiff and then rescaled and re-saved for the web in Photoshop. In the varying ISO section there is a larger version of the full studio set-up if you click on the image. The artificial llumination is just room light
200 iso
400 iso
150% side by side comparison
1600 iso
The next set of images used bounced flash as the main light source - a SB800 with the setting at TTL. No post production.
D300 55mm Nikkor f2.8 micro 100 iso 1/125 f11
high Active D-lighting
125 % portion of original
150 % portion of original
D300 55mm Nikkor f2.8 micro 200 iso 1/125 f11
high Active D-lighting
100% portion of original
125 % portion of original
150 % portion of original
D300 55mm Nikkor f2.8 micro 400 iso 1/125 f11
high Active D-lighting
125% portion of original
150% portion of original
D300 55mm Nikkor f2.8 micro 800 iso 1/125 f11
high Active D-lighting
100% portion of original
125 % portion of original
150% portion of original
D300 55mm Nikkor f2.8 micro 1600 iso 1/125 f11
high Active D-lighting
150% portion of original
D300 55mm Nikkor f2.8 micro 3200 iso 1/125 f11
high Active D-lighting
100% portion of original
150% portion of original
125% portion of original
D300 55mm Nikkor f2.8 micro 6400 iso 1/125 f11
high Active D-lighting
100% portion of original
125% portion of original
150% portion of original
The above 2 on the left of the the 6400 iso pics have been treated with Noiseware Pro - fine grain setting with sharpness lifted a bit - compared with their 100% and 150% equivalents.
Using an external programme to reduce noise
Both images below are 400 iso - 1/5s f8 - high NR off - sharpening 3
top image had Active D-Lighting on HIGH -----lower image has Active D-Lighting OFF
Active D-Lighting on HIGH
Picture Control - all six images below have had no post processing. Each at 400 iso 1/6 f8
- Active D-Lighting- high-
Picture Control -
Picture Control-
Picture Control -
Picture Control-
Picture Control-
Standard -02
The two images below are screen grabs showing the difference between the SHARPENING settings on the D300. All images had the same exposure 1/5 f8 at 400 iso. Active D Lighting set at high. Standard Picture Control NR off . All images are 100% crops
It is very difficult to see any difference on the average monitor between 14 bit and 12 bit Raw files. The images below were opened in Capture NX -saved as Tiffs and re saved in Photoshop for the web. It was virtually impossible to see any difference between the originals
D300 55mm2.8 micro bounced flash 200 iso 1/125 f8 RAW 12bit
D300 55mm2.8 micro bounced flash 200 iso 1/125 f8 RAW 14bit
saved as 8bit tiff
D300 55mm2.8 micro bounced flash 200 iso 1/125 f8 RAW 14bit
saved as 16bit tiff
from 16bit tiff 14bit Raw NEF
from 8bit tiff 12bit Raw NEF
Active D - Lighting and retouching
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm (69mm)
1/125 f8 400iso
Active D - off
no retouching
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm (69mm)
D - low
no retouching
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm (69mm)
1/125 f8 400iso
Active D -normal
no retouching
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm (69mm)
1/125 f8 400iso
Active D -high
no retouching
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm (69mm)
1/125 f8 400iso
Active D - high
plus Active D-normal
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm (69mm)
1/125 f8 400iso
Active D -high
plus Active D high
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm (69mm)
1/125 f8 400iso
Active D - off
plus Active D low
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm (69mm)
1/125 f8 400iso
Active D - off
plus Active D -high
Sigma 18-200mm 46mm 69mm
1/125 f8 400iso
Active D - off
plus Active D -normal
A retouched image is saved as a jpeg and note that if you use Active D Lighting during exposure and then add more Active D-Lighting after exposure the result could be over-exposure and a bit OTT. Below are some practical examples
Sigma 18-200mm 18mm (27mm) 1/400 f10 program auto high active- lighting
Sigma 18-200mm 18mm (27mm) 1/500 f11 program auto high active-D lighting
Sigma 18-200mm 18mm (27mm) 1/400 f10 program auto high active- lighting
plus high active D lighting retouching
Sigma 18-200mm 18mm (27mm) 1/500 f11 program auto high active- lighting
plus high active D lighting retouching
These two are the original raw files processed in Adobe Raw and the shadows recovered using fill light. No other post processing.
Sigma 18-200mm 18mm (27mm) 1/400 f10 program auto high active- lighting
Sigma 18-200mm 18mm (27mm) 1/400 f10 program auto high active- lighting
plus high active D lighting retouching
original Raw file post processed in Adobe Raw using fill light
Finally a few of the inbuilt retouching filter effects
remember they 're saved as jpgs
original Sigma 18-200 18mm (27mm) cropped 1/320 f9 400iso programmed auto
Retouched -skylight filter
Retouched - black and white